How Bikers Can Save Themselves From Kites Strings

موٹرسائیکل سوار متوجہ ہوں”
کائیٹ فلائنگ اور خونی دھاتی ڈوریں انسانی جان کے لئے شدید خطرہ ہیں، لہذا اپنی اور اپنے پیاروں کی جان بچانے کے لئے ضروری ہے کہ موٹر سائیکل پر سواری کرتے ہوئے سیفٹی وائر یا پروٹیکشن شیلڈ استعمال کریں تاکہ کسی بھی قسم کے نقصان سے بچا جا سکے۔
Lahore Traffic Police (@ctplahore)

For several years, kite flying has been banned in Punjab province and a punishable act with the penalties including imprisonment and fines or both in accordance with the promulgated laws.

The Supreme Court, in 2007  had imposed a ban on Basant celebrations after the culminating cases of  deaths due to kite’s glass-coated strings.

Many kite strings are coated with metal or crushed glass mixed with glue, to help cut the strings of rival kites in hotly-contested flying contests.

And in the past five years, flyers have started using nylon strings laced with glass, which are stronger, and more dangerous, than regular kite strings. These strings do not snap easily, and have been blamed for the recent deaths.

Metal-coated strings have fallen on electricity lines and overhead power cables, and people have been electrocuted while trying to retrieve their kites. These strings have also caused short-circuits and power outages.

And kite strings aren't the only reason kite flying can be dangerous.

Many fliers have fallen to their death from unguarded terraces while flying and chasing kites. Chasing falling kites also leads to road accidents.

Things To Remember

 help prevent accidents like this, here are some simple but important precautions to remember:

Dress properly wear Helmet:Wear a Helmet on your scooter to provide safety protection. An important layer of anti-collision kite string. The cable acts as a shield and prevents the seat belt from wrapping around your neck or body while driving.

Add a flexible antenna: Another good precaution is to attach a flexible antenna to the front of your bike or scooter. This antenna acts as a barrier, cutting the cable before it reaches you and reducing the risk of fatal injury.

Wear Safety Equipment: It is very important to wear proper safety equipment to stay safe on the road. Helmets with chin straps and vests can provide additional protection against kite lines and other hazards.

Avoid crowds: 
Whenever possible, avoid passing through crowded kite flying areas. Choosing a route can reduce the likelihood of seat belt contact and reduce the risk of a crash.

Be careful of kites: Stay calm and pay attention to kites, especially when passing through areas where kites are present. Knowing your surroundings can help you anticipate danger and take action if necessary.

Tell others:
 Raise awareness among friends, family and other cyclists about the dangers of kite string problems. By sharing information and encouraging others to be careful, you can help create a safer environment for everyone on the road.

 following these precautions and being careful, you can reduce your risk of being hit by a kite string and enjoy a safer environment while riding your bike or scooter. Remember, safety always comes first!

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How Bikers Can Save Themselves From Kites Strings